21-26 August, Prague, Czech Republic
21-26 August, Prague, Czech Republic
With the tagline, Refrigeration for Sustainable Development, the event being held at Prague Congress Centre, and organised by the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), the ICR targets industrial as well as academic stakeholders. Held once every four years, the aim of the Congress is to bring together experts from all areas of refrigeration. Major scientific results, industrial trends and key developments are typically presented at the IIR, say the organisers. Cryology, gas processing, Cryophysics, Cryoengineering, Liquefaction and separation of gases, Thermodynamics, Equipment and systems, Thermodynamics and transfer processes, Refrigerating equipment, Biology and food technology, Food science and engineering, Storage and transport, Refrigerated storage,
Refrigerated transport and Air conditioning, heat pumps and energy recovery are some of the topics that will be discussed.
Thematic paper presentation sessions, workshops and short courses are the highlights of the Congress, along with an exhibition and technical tours.
Contact: Romana Kočová
Katerina Lomecká
E-mail: Romana@icaris.cz
Website: www.iifiir.org
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