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Internet of Things has a long way to go in the Middle East region

The region needs to address the issues of cost, legislation and building management systems, say experts

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: April 24, 2016
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Dubai, UAE: The Internet of Things or IoT is certainly creating a revolution of sorts among all the technology-driven nations, a development that is keenly being observed by HVACR experts in the Middle East region. A few experts share their views on the market status of IoT in the region:

Rene Bonvanié, CMO of California-based Palo Alto Networks, is optimistic about the success of IoT in the region. He says: “The Middle East is a region that has heavily relied on technology and, therefore, has always been an attractive target. The technology that is used here is no different from the technology used in the United States. If some things succeeded in the United States, it will succeed here [Middle East], as well. So, this part of the world has jumped several generations when it comes to technology. Much similar to Silicon Valley.”

However, Charles Blaschke, General Manager at taka solutions, has a different opinion, as he feels that the Middle East region is at least 10 years away from the building technology scenario because even the functionality of basic building management systems (BMS) is not up to the mark. He, however, is quick to add that technology is becoming cheaper and more available. He elaborates that people are becoming aware of the importance of sensors and companies are developing different types of software which will help get more information and drive saving.

Speaking on similar lines, Colin Bridges, General Manager at Bilimo Automation, Qatar, says that building legislation, along with the need to optimise costs, will be the main driver in the Middle East market. “We see from our perspective a greater interest in retrofitting communicative devices into existing buildings as part of an energy-reduction strategy,” Bridges says. “As costs rise, so will this interest [in IoT].”

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