Event to focus on sustainable use of natural refrigerants
Event to focus on sustainable use of natural refrigerants
Eurammon has announced that its symposium this year will be held at the Klostergut Paradies in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, on June 28, with “Green Economy with Natural Refrigerants” as the underlying theme of the Information Day. The symposium will reportedly provide interested parties with information on how natural refrigerants can be used sustainably through a variety of practical examples, from the point of view of end-users.
With speakers such as Bob Port of ConAgra Foods, Bruce Nelson of Colmac Coil, Villim Mergl of CoolTool Technology, and Christoph Peters of Kälte-Klima-Peters, one of the focal points will be environmentally friendly food refrigeration solutions, eurammon informed, and added that the symposium would offer operators, planners and system engineers a wide range of reference projects, which show, for example, how direct expansion systems can reduce the refrigerant charge or how less energy is required through the use of waste heat.
According to eurammon, the highlight of the event will be a comparison between the life-cycle costs of refrigeration plants that use different refrigerants like ammonia or carbon dioxide, to drive home the point that the use of natural refrigerants is not only an ecologically sustainable practice, but can also be economically attractive.
On the occasion of the symposium the Natural Refrigeration Award 2013 would be presented to three winners for their outstanding theses in the field of natural refrigerants, who would be given an opportunity to present their works and projects to an international audience, eurammon revealed.
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