Friday, 20 September 2024

ASHRAE appoints Olesen as President

President-elect says he will focus on extending the Society’s global horizons

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: June 27, 2017
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USA, June 27: ASHRAE has announced the appointment of Dr Bjarne W Olesen, Fellow ASHARE, as its new president for the year 2017-2018. The decision was made during its annual conference in Long Beach, California, the Society said through a Press communiqué.

Speaking on his appointment, Olesen said: “The time ASHRAE volunteers dedicate to the Society is incredible, and the dedication of our 2017-2018 officers will strengthen our Society’s knowledge base, community reach and ability to shape a more sustainable world. I look forward to working with my fellow ASHRAE officers and members this year.

My presidential theme is ‘extending our community’, through which I will focus on extending our society’s global community, technological horizons and overall value to our members.”

In addition to serving as the Society’s president, Olesen will continue to serve as a professor at the Technical University of Denmark. During his term, he will also serve as the chair of ASHRAE’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

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