Saturday, 21 September 2024

2011 Edition of Climate Control Guide & Directory

Download the 2011 Edition

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: December 1, 2010
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Here we are with another edition of the Climate Control Guide & Directory. It is difficult to believe that a year has passed since we worked on the previous edition; as the saying goes, the time has simply flown by in what has been a busy and event-filled year.

Working on this book, this time around, involved a different challenge. Even in the best of times, one of the challenges in producing a directory is that people keep moving from one assignment to another. In the downturn, the movement has been that much more pronounced; so much has changed since the time of the second edition – quite a few people that we contacted, a year ago, have moved on. That way, this book is like a barometer of the tremendous change the region has experienced.

We have stuck to tradition, though. As always, this book opens with articles that reflect the industry. They are related to all the key disciplines – cooling, refrigeration and ventilation.

The next section is the product category-wise listing, which is followed by the company-wise listing.

Download the 2011 edition of the Climate Control Guide & Directory HERE.



If you would like to download the Directory to your desktop, you may right click on the link (above) or image (on the right) and click on “Save Target As …” in Internet Explorer.

Please note that you will require Adobe Reader software in order to access the download. Click the icon below to download the same.

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