In the July 2021 issue of the magazine, Dan Mizesko, writing his monthly column (Licence to Chill), dismissed variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems as inferior in their energy performance when compared to chilled water systems, and raised doubts over their operational safety. In doing so, he opened a can of worms, his words attracting criticism […]
In the July 2021 issue of the magazine, Dan Mizesko, writing his monthly column (Licence to Chill), dismissed variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems as inferior in their energy performance when compared to chilled water systems, and raised doubts over their operational safety. In doing so, he opened a can of worms, his words attracting criticism as being inaccurate in the portrayal of VRF systems.
Surendar Balakrishnan
Having given Dan space to express his views in the magazine, it was only right to invite proponents of VRF systems and even a contractor to have their say. Their responses became the basis of this issue’s cover story. Hope you take the time out to read it from A to Z.
Dan will be among the interested readers and already has expressed his desire to respond.
Now, lest you think we at Climate Control Middle East are taking delight in playing one camp against another, please allow us to assure you that nothing could be farther from the truth. Our responsibility as a publishing house, as journalists, is to provide equal opportunity to all. We are equipment-agnostic, our overriding concern being the outcome of providing comfort cooling or industrial cooling – or heating – among other applications, in a safe, affordable, environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing manner.
The same set of objectives governs the giving away of trophies during the annual Climate Control Awards. With earnestness as our bedrock characteristic, our fundamental aim is to encourage the development of the best of technological, business, finance and policy solutions and strategies.
In end-August, towards that aim, a team of invited judges met with those that had submitted applications to the 11th edition of the Awards to find the most excellent among them. The meeting was an exhausting exercise of intense scrutiny of intent and application. The responsibility was immense, because in the selection of winners the Awards exercise was sending out a powerful message that integrity, untiring effort and relentless pursuit of improvement are cherished ideals.
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