Sunday, 16 February 2025

UAE businesses urged to monitor water consumption

Demand for water has surpassed population growth in the country, say Danfoss and Metito

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: June 19, 2017
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Dubai, June 19: With high water consumption in the region, engineering firms Danfoss and Metito have come together to raise awareness on the importance of saving water in the UAE, the companies said through a joint Press communiqué. The firms have called upon residents and businesses to monitor water consumption and implement water-saving strategies.

Levent Taşkın, President (Turkey, Middle East and Africa) of Danfoss, said: “In recent decades, the rate at which the demand for water has grown has outstripped population growth by more than double. The mutual dependence of water and energy and the increasing global demand for each has an enormous impact on economic growth, environmental sustainability and our future.”

Citing the annual statistics recently released by the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, the firms pointed out that the number of water consumers had increased to 666,430 in 2016.

Fady Juez, Managing Director of Metito, said: “We are all so busy in our daily lives that we hardly stop and think how our work, our attitudes and actions affect a critical resource such as water. We need to rationalise the consumption of water by raising people’s awareness on changing usage habits and consumer mindsets. From the supply side, companies must continue focusing on water recycling, especially in applications such as District Cooling, irrigation and other industrial applications. We must engage in multi-layered conversations with end-users and the public to make this happen, because it’s the only truly sustainable solution for this region.”

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