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Special congratulatory messages received from our readers and well wishers.

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: February 20, 2011
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James K Walters

On behalf of AHRI and its more than 450 manufacturer members and global participants in the AHRI Certification Program, I want to extend congratulations to CPI Industry on the 10th anniversary of its excellent publication, Climate Control Middle East.

I am certain that each reader has a favorite feature of the publication. And I suspect many would agree on what I believe is an important approach taken by the publication, which is covering both the Middle East and global developments of concern to the entire HVACR industry. The publication nicely integrates these two levels of developments into interesting, informative discussions of the impact of those developments on the industry in the Middle East. In other words, the publication clearly demonstrates some of the unique aspects and challenges of the region, while concurrently depicting the global context.

James K Walters
Vice President, International Affairs, Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI)

Ghaleb Abusaa

Ghaleb Abusaa

With due diligence, determination, patience and persistence, the founders started Climate Control Middle East under tough conditions, some 10 years ago. I came to know the founders right during the first year and can confidently say that the magazine was born matured, thanks to the founders and their supporting staff. I watched the magazine branch into multiple disciplines, all aimed at raising public awareness for the well-being of humankind and our planet. I’m proud of being associated with the team at Climate Control Middle East, in its English and Arabic versions. My recommendation is to keep going with the same energy, ethics and determination, fuelled by the excellent support of friends and readers, locally and internationally.

Ghaleb Abusaa
CEO, en3solutions

Brian Suggitt

Brian Suggitt

Climate Control is the major provider of information pertaining to our industry in the Middle East. The magazine is always diversified, informative, topical and easy to read. The organisation also provides a platform through conferences and seminars for the HVAC community to air opinions and to educate. Without doubt, there would be a major gap in the market if Climate Control and its professional and knowledgeable personnel were not present.

Brian Suggitt
Managing Director, Systemair

Managing Director, Nia Limited

Zakir Ahmed

Congratulations to Fred, Surendar and their team on the 10th anniversary of Climate Control Middle East magazine. HVAC plays a critical role in maintaining good health of the building and its occupants. It may represent a small part of a building’s value, but it consumes large amounts of energy. The industry is at its best in dealing with this challenge by developing state-of-the-art products that are efficient by integrating new technologies, such as eco-friendly refrigerants, variable speed compressors and energy-recovery systems.

Climate Control Middle East excels in bringing these developments to the public domain, not only through traditional print format but also through its digital platforms and technical seminars. It also engages the protagonists of competing solutions to discuss, debate and disseminate the knowledge to all stakeholders.

John Ruskin said, “When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.” Climate Control Middle East is one such blessing to the HVAC community in the region. Join me in wishing them the best for the future.

Zakir Ahmed
Managing Director, Nia Limited

Faris Saeed, CEO, Diamond Developers

Faris Saeed

Diamond Developers extends its sincere congratulations to Climate Control Middle East on its 10th anniversary. The magazine, with its aim to create a brighter and sustainable future, has provided an exciting platform to Diamond Developers to showcase its unique development, The Sustainable City. We look forward to a strong and fruitful
relationship with the highly professional team at Climate Control Middle East in the coming years and to it being a continuous source of valuable information on the creation of viable and sustainable smart communities.

Faris Saeed
CEO, Diamond Developers

Charles Blaschke

Charles Blaschke

Maybe it’s because I am a nerd, but honestly I think that Climate Control Middle East is the best magazine in the UAE. It is the one place I can go to and always get all the information and updates on projects and people. I feel like without it I would kind of be lost and with us being in the energy field, we don’t really do design and construction like we used to, so I feel we are kind of removed from that part of the industry, but then the magazine pulls me back in and gives me the information.

Charles Blaschke
General Manager, taka solutions

Bassam Al Awar

Bassam Al Awar

Congratulations to the entire editorial team of Climate Control Middle East on their fifth anniversary. The magazine has been an excellent platform of communication within the HAVCR community in the region, highlighting the best practices and challenges faced by our industry.

Climate Control Middle East’s extensive coverage of all key events and seminars by the HVACR professionals has speeded up the region’s drive towards more responsible and energy- efficient designs and has created better awareness among engineering firms, developers and the general public.

Best wishes for continued success.

Bassam Al Awar
General Manager, Tour & Andersson Middle East, Africa & India

Aslan Al-Barazi, Executive Director, IMEC

Aslan Al-Barazi

It’s a job well accomplished! I believe that the team at Climate Control Middle East is an inspired one, which is always looking for ways to move forward into the future, exploring new ideas on a continuous basis along the way. Its strengths are its intimate work with the MEP Industry, being always a part of the action locally as well as globally. I wish the magazine all the best for future milestones and timely celebrations, as well.

Best regards,

Aslan Al-Barazi
Executive Director, IMEC, Sharjah, UAE

Antoine Stephan

Antoine Stephan

I have been reading Climate Control Middle East for the past few years. I find its content to be vast, varied, interesting and up-to-date. It covers the latest topics, events and players in the district cooling industry. It is easy to read, and I appreciate the innovative efforts it makes – organising debates, conferences, on-line version, the Arabic version…. On the other hand, I believe what could be improved is innovation in its format, layout, paper quality and photos.

Best regards,

Antoine Stephan
General Manager, Hamon Cooling Tower Company, Dubai, UAE

Even in the mature world of our HVACR industry, development has continuously kept everybody hungry for information. In this scenario, Climate Control Middle East has changed the pace with which information about innovation and concepts is communicated to the stakeholders in the Middle East, and has given local players a place to express their ideas. The accuracy and technical depth of the articles make it a must-read for all stakeholders in the region. Information about and coverage of different technical and business aspects of the industry has placed Climate Control Middle East in a league of its own.

Congratulations to the Editor and his staff, and best wishes for more good years to come. Congratulations to Climate Control Middle East on completing five successful years in which the magazine has made a big impact on the HVACR media and information in the Middle East.

Good luck for the future. We hope to see your excellent efforts continue in the years to come.

Kind regards,

Bassam Elassaad
Past President, ASHRAE Falcon Chapter Founding Member, EmiratesGBC

Dr M Ramaswamy

Dr M Ramaswamy

I have been associated with the magazine since 2006, and have observed its growth since then. The goodwill and popularity of the magazine among the practising engineers in Oman and the UAE are excellent. The entire team behind the magazine has a well-defined vision and mission to update the refrigeration and air conditioning engineers with the latest trends in the industry through technical articles, product advertisements, seminars, exhibitions and conferences. The Climate Control Conference (C3) has already gained a brand name within a short span of time. I have participated in a few of the conferences and have found them extremely useful for enhancing my professional experiences.

Though I love each page of the magazine, the Editoral and Perspective are two sections that draw my immediate attention as soon as I receive the magazine. Recently, the publishers have added a recruitment section, which will be useful to develop a human resources database among the HVAC engineers. If they can include a Q&A section, it will be useful for the engineering community and technicians to post their questions and seek the right advice from the panel of experts in the HVAC industry.

Climate Control Middle East is celebrating its fifth birthday. I take this occasion to wish it a long association with the HVAC industry and hope that it will grow more by including a wide spectrum of knowledge in the HVAC domain.

My best wishes!

With kind regards,

Dr M Ramaswamy
Technical Expert at His Excellency’s Office in Royal Court of Affairs, Palace, Muscat, Oman

In 1978, Carrier sent me to Dubai to start the first Carrier owned sales company. Back then, a big sale was a pick-up truck load of room air conditioners. Today, the UAE represents one of the most sophisticated air conditioning markets in the world, and is quickly becoming a world leader in alternative energy and green building construction.

I was honoured to serve as the Master of Ceremonies at The Climate Control Conference (C3) in 2008, which brought together international leaders of the air conditioning and construction industries. The conference was just one example of Climate Control Middle East’s leadership in these important areas, as exhibited by the magazine with every issue.

Congratulations on the accomplishment of your fifth anniversary.

Best regards,

John Hunter, USA

Peter Blanchflower

Peter Blanchflower

I would like to offer my congratulations on the fifth anniversary of Climate Control Middle East magazine. Is it five years already?!

Overall, I find the magazine well presented. There is also usually a good range of articles that address industry issues and ‘happenings’. In addition, I note that the editorial staff is present at most key industry events, which is reassuring. However, I do find that some of the verbatim style of reporting on some of the conferences to be a bit long and tedious.

Also, the trend to greater focus on specialities within the industry is a two edged sword. On the plus side, it may provide better targeting, but this can come at an additional cost for advertisers. I would like to see more well researched engineering articles, as I believe your readers are mostly professional HVAC engineers who would probably appreciate this. In addition, there is a strong focus on new construction; how can you increase readership with operators and owners of existing facilities?

I wish you every success in your next five years.

My very best regards,

Peter Blanchflower
Regional Marketing Leader, Trane, Europe, Middle East, India, Africa-Ingersoll Rand

Prashanth BS, General Manager of the Air Conditioning Business Group at Eros Group

Prashanth BS

Whilst you celebrate this milestone, I must take the opportunity to congratulate everyone at Climate Control Middle East for its great coverage of the region’s HVAC&R industry insights and highlights, which are useful to the industry professionals. The magazine is neatly arranged into Happenings, Marketplace, Advertorial, Report, Country Focus, Perspective, Cover Story, Spotlight, Events Watch, etc. I sometimes come across very interesting and thought-provoking articles. It has been a particular pleasure to read interviews with our industry leaders in End Point. Great work and keep going! Wish you all the success in future.


Prashanth BS
Marketing & Business Development Manager, UTS Carrier LLC and President, ASHRAE Falcon Chapter, UAE

Climate Control Middle East undoubtedly offers a key perspective on the region’s HVACR industry. Not only does it give us updates on the latest happenings in the region but also the much needed meaningful insight into the heating and cooling business around the world. It has been an excellent resource to readers like me, who want to be in the know and to drive the game. No other magazine in this region is as relevant or robust. Working with the people that run the magazine has always been a pleasure.

Surajit Mahanty
Marketing Specialist, Trane, Middle East, India & Africa-Ingersoll Rand Climate Solutions

Sougata Nandi, Founder and CEO of 3e Advisory

Sougata Nandi

Since mid-2006, when I first came across Climate Control Middle East, I have been an avid reader of the magazine. Given the nature of my work involving energy and water conservation, green building certification and sustainable development in general, Climate Control Middle East has steadily supplied me with relevant information, not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of projects of interest in the region.

In addition to the standard work a magazine performs, Climate Control Middle East also stands out in its efforts to bring the industry together via various events like C3, roundtables, seminars and training workshops, all of which have maintained high standards of quality, objectivity and technical depth.

Climate Control Middle East stands out in that these values and standards have been maintained over the years. I look forward to greater contribution from the magazine in the future.

Sougata Nandi
Executive Director, Asset Management & Sustainable Development, TECOM Business Parks Operations

Ken Currie

Ken Currie

It would be forgivable for some to think that in its early days, Climate Control Middle East would be yet another technical journal – capable, but limited – and a toss-up between reading it or watch paint dry. The magazine, however, has provided both much-needed focus and forum for industry issues and an avenue for debate, both on and off print for evolving technology and issues particular to the Middle East. It allows its readers to garner broader understanding of new systems and products. These chaps should be congratulated; it would be hard not to think of them being there to play their important part in the regional HVAC and refrigeration industry.

Ken Currie
Technical Director, Mott MacDonald, UAE


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