Thursday, 19 September 2024

Taiwan’s security entities benefit from cross-industry integration

Delegates demonstrate product applications for smart houses, property management and fire safety during TAITRA launch

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: February 8, 2018
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‘Taiwan’s security industry is reaping the benefits of cross-industry integration,’ said Jerry Yang, Director General of the Commercial Office of Taiwan in Dubai. He said this during the Taiwan Security Industry Product Launch, organised by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), on January 21, 2018 in Dubai. The launch took place during Intersec 2018, and showcased the products of Taiwanese security companies, which, Yang said, are capitalising on the growing need for robust systems in the fields of “intelligent living, property management, home entertainment, fire safety and telecare”. The market outlook for Taiwan, Yang said, is very optimistic, “when viewed along with the rise of the future living and intellectual robotics industries, which are expected to further drive developments in the security industry.”

The delegation of six companies made a presentation on their products and solutions at the launch. Vivotek talked about IP Surveillance Solutions and its content analysis and product capabilities. WFE Technology Corp introduced products, such as electronic locking cylinders, electronic locks, access control devices and system software. Genius Vision Digital showcased solutions related to IP surveillance design and protection for large-scale banks and enterprises. GeoVision spoke on applications of artificial intelligence in the security market. Hunt Electronics showcased its torch camera and mobile surveillance system. Mobile Intelligent Corp showcased its thermal imaging solutions designed to improve efficiency of inspections in electric power utilities.

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