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Put a Robot on the Job!

When it comes to cleaning and maintaining an HVAC ductwork system, often the best “person” for the job is a robot, says Billy Prewitt and explains why and how.

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: October 14, 2012
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When it comes to cleaning and maintaining an HVAC ductwork system, often the best “person” for the job is a robot, says Billy Prewitt and explains why and how.

Any company that truly wants to make a positive impact on energy efficiency and Indoor Air Quality should consider using a robotic system to clean and maintain its HVAC ductwork system. A robotic system typically consists of a robotic vehicle that can carry various payloads, allowing it to quickly and efficiently complete such tasks as cleaning, inspecting (by means of a video component), testing, and sealing. The robotic vehicle can be easily adapted to allow completion of specific tasks by the addition of specialised components, such as whips, brushes, sprayers, and filters.

A robotic system offers multiple advantages over manual cleaning, inspecting, and sealing. In addition to immediately saving on labour costs, a robotic system can spray sealant at very high pressure, reach very small spaces, perform at a consistent pace over several hours, and requires only two access points, thus eliminating the need to cut potentially damaging access points in ductwork every five to seven feet.

The efficiency of the robotic system in performing cleaning, inspection and maintenance tasks can translate readily into better performance of an HVAC ductwork system, resulting in improved Indoor Air Quality. Air delivered by a clean, well-sealed HVAC system will, therefore, include a minimum of allergens, pollutants and unpleasant odours, and the temperature of the air delivered will be more consistent throughout the space. The latter benefit means less use of appliances, such as space heaters and fans in some areas of a building. This minimising of “plug load” will result in an overall reduction in energy consumption.

A company implementing the use of a robotic system to clean and maintain its HVAC ductwork system will realise multiple economic benefits.

According to Frank Forrest, Efficiency Solutions Product Manager at Carlisle HVAC, a robotic system can typically pay for itself within the first one to two jobs, if used in a larger commercial building.

A well-maintained robotic system can be expected to perform its tasks well for as long as 10 years. Routine maintenance of the robotic system is simple: It requires only a good cleaning following each use. The robotic system is designed to allow easy replacement of worn out parts, such as tyres, brushes, whips, drive belts, and even the video/camera components. Most ductwork technicians can readily learn to perform any routine maintenance a robotic system might require.

A well-maintained ductwork system is the key to getting the right amount of clean, fresh, conditioned air right where it needs to go.

The writer is Marketing Manager, Carlisle HVAC. He can be contacted at Billy.Prewitt@CarlisleHVAC.com

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