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Moisture causing HVACR system failures

Educator gives tips to contractors to fight moisture-related challenges

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: June 19, 2011
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Educator gives tips to contractors to fight moisture-related challenges

According to a news release by Cliplight Manufacturing, HVACR contractors are learning new ways of eradicating moisture that potentially kills ac/r systems, at the US state of Alabama’s mandated Continuing Education Programme designed for contractors.
“An epidemic of moisture-related problems are causing more system failures today than ever before in the history of air conditioning and refrigeration,” said Paul Appler, Director of Research, Cliplight Manufacturing, Toronto, Ontario, who was a technical speaker at the programme. He presented the state-approved ‘Repair and Servicing R-410A/POE and R-22/Mineral Oil-Related Systems’ class last April to HVACR service techs at the Alabama Johnstone Supply branches of Birmingham and Huntsville, respectively, Cliplight said.

“I think service techs are finally understanding that moisture is now public enemy number one, based on the many moisture-related questions they asked during the four-hour class,” said Larry Brudi, the programme’s host and owner of five Johnstone Supply branches in north central Alabama and middle Tennessee.

While R-410A/POE systems readily react with water or “hydrolyse” to form acids and alcohol that lead to accelerated system corrosion, Appler said that R-22/mineral oil systems can also develop similar problems, such as waxing particulates that restrict thermostatic expansion valves (TEV).

“Moisture is an old adversary, regardless of the system, but now it’s even more threatening because of the efficiency advancements of today’s systems,” said Appler, who also reportedly presented the same topic to Johnstone Supply in Fresno and Visalia, California; The Training College of the Sequoias, Visalia; HVAC Contractor, Arctic Mechanical, Rancho Cucamonga, California; and Refrigeration Supply Distributors branches in Buena Park, Pomona, Anaheim, and Monterey Park, California.

However, the good news is chemical-based drying agent additives, triple evacuations, liquid line drier replacements and other technology can help remove and prevent and greatly reduce system moisture, the announcement said. When combined with ac/r repair fundamentals outlined by organisations, such as the ARI, Arlington, Virginia, and ASHRAE, Atlanta, Georgia, moisture-related problems can be virtually eliminated or at least minimised, it added.

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