Thursday, 20 February 2025

‘Let’s reimagine’

The Eurovent Middle East 5 Years Anniversary Congress, in Dubai, becomes an occasion for collective expression of determination to iron out tough creases on the building industry landscape. Surendar Balakrishnan, Editor, Climate Control Middle East, has the story…

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: October 19, 2022
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Khaled Klaly, Montreal Protocol Regional coordinator, West Asia, could not have been blunter when he said the world is still heading for a temperature rise in excess of 3 degrees C this century, far beyond the Paris Agreement goals of well below 2 degrees C. It didn’t stop there – he spoke of how Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), in the context of the Paris Agreement, are still woefully adequate, and of how the level of global ambitions, in relation to the Paris Agreement, must be three times what it is for a 2 degrees C pathway and five time what it is for a 1.5 degree C pathway.

Khaled Klaly was speaking on September 13 at the Eurovent Middle East 5 Years Anniversary Congress, an event that saw speakers and delegates from Middle Eastern and international government agencies, multilateral implementation bodies and private-sector firms. The event was also the occasion for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Eurovent and the GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) to foster cooperation between the two organisations – an imperative need, amongst other measures, if Klaly’s stark statements were anything to go by.

Klaly pointed out to other shortfalls, including how the number of countries committing to a net-zero regime is not enough and how, given the fact that the equivalent of Paris is being added in floor space every five days, the world would be able to meet its sustainable building targets only if it urgently and decisively adopts net-zero measures. He said that considering that cooling is the fastest growing use of energy in buildings and that it continues to drive peak electricity demand, especially in hot countries, the world is left with no choice but to invest in more efficient air conditioning systems to cut emission of greenhouse gases. In that context, he added, the role of RAC associations, which promote the use of climate-friendly air conditioning systems, is a vital one, indeed.

Markus Lattner, Managing Director, Eurovent Middle East, presenting later in the day, touched on the role of RAC associations whilst speaking broadly on energy efficiency in the Middle East. Lattner highlighted the technological progress in the industry, in the forms of variable-frequency drives and VRFs, amongst others. He also spoke of the firmer entrenchment of cooling based on seasonal demand, and of BMSes and smart controls, which allow cooling at almost half the energy cost than before. He pointed to the arrival of better technology for free cooling to meet the specific needs of the IT industry and the reality of CO2 systems being feasible for supermarket refrigeration in hot and humid climates. Lattner noted with satisfaction that regulatory frameworks are adjusting to market and environmental needs, highlighting SEER regulation, MEPS and the upcoming regulation in ventilation segment. And yet, he spoke of the long and arduous road ahead that needs to be traversed.

Speaking from an energy efficiency point of view, he said the problem has to do with consumers not buying the most efficient air conditioning systems. The price paradox – CAPEX vs OPEX – exists, he said. From a total cost of ownership (TCO) point of view, though, he added, it is important to understand that “cheap is always more expensive”. The world is still beset with challenges, he said. The world needs to provide answers for how to improve design by 40%, installation by 15%, operation by +20% and maintenance by 25%. One possible answer, he said, would be to invest in education and training. That is why, he said, Eurovent Middle East is taking the initiative of setting up the HVACR Leadership Academy, expected to become functional in the next half year.

Speaking from an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) perspective, Lattner said it is important to establish a mandatory building inspection system. He added that Eurovent would offer a Position Paper on the subject, which would seek to answer questions relating to proper maintenance of HVACR systems, ensuring fresh air supply, the regular replacement of air filters, the refrigerants coursing through the air conditioning systems and the bacterial sampling of air ducts. He said it is important to conduct a proper assessment of maintenance and operation guidelines and of documentation procedures. All these, he added, are indispensable to providing better IAQ to the population, reducing respiratory illnesses, and easing allergies and other serious diseases.

Speaking on a broader range of solutions, Lattner spoke on regulatory development and improvements, building codes and the need to mandate qualification for certain critical operations relating to building performance. Perhaps the icing on the cake would be to establish an HVAC Ministry, he said. “We have Ministry of Health, Public Works and Infrastructure, which are all related,” he said. “But we need a more central organisation, so that we are working on a higher governmental level.” Lattner also called for greater regional cooperation, considering that countries in the Middle East face similar conditions, which demands greater collaboration. Specifically, he pointed to the need for harmonisation of standards. “Eurovent Middle East has been founded to foster collaboration and cooperation, so work with us, so that no cooled air is lost,” he said.

Speaking prior to Lattner, Tariq Al Ghussein, President, Eurovent Middle East, had, as well, spoken on the need to curb power consumption through properly operating air conditioning systems. “Today, we can cool, ventilate or refrigerate any space,” he had said. “Lowering the impact that cooling has on warming the world is an important role. How can we flatten the curve on energy demand?” A pertinent question that many sought to answer during the event through different expressions.

One of the highlights of the event – and one that could hold the answer for greater collaboration, as desired by Lattner, and for flattening the curve, as raised by Al Ghussein – was the signing of the MoU between Eurovent and (GSO). Eurovent characterised the signing as heralding a partnership between the two organisations, expected to bring closer cooperation on standardisation and capacity building and to facilitate exchange of expertise between the two organisations. H.E. Saud Al- Khusaibi, President, GSO, and Raul Corredera Haener, President, Eurovent, the signatories of the MoU, spoke extensively on the implications of the document for the region. Al-Khusaibi said: “There is an increasing recognition of the important role of the private sector in enhancing the standardisation activities contributing to economic growth and protecting the consumer, environment and public health. On the other hand, GSO has a central place in supporting efforts in fostering a regulatory environment that enables the private sector to flourish and fulfil its role as the main engine of growth.”

Haener said: “The formalisation of our long-standing cooperation by this Memorandum of Understanding is the best evidence of our commitment to the Middle East. For more than five years, our chapter, Eurovent Middle East has been taking up the role of a stakeholder for the industry in the region, and with this MoU we now ensure that the combined expertise of the European industry is at disposal to the GSO.”

H.E. Al-Khusaibi used the occasion the event provided to elaborate on the work GSO is engaged in. He spoke of how GSO, in 2021, approved the Stakeholder Engagement Guide, to encourage participation in standards and to ensure fruitful contribution. “GSO has prepared necessary infrastructure and policies, and from this perspective, GSO organises annual meetings to open discussion platform between regulators and economic participants, leading to establishing good regulation practices, which can only support GSO initiatives of integration and establish GCC common market, he said. “GSO, since its establishment in 2001, has helped the GCC region countries to achieve the objectives set for in the charter and GCC economic agreement by standardising activities and compliance with standard bodies in GCC region member states.”

Haener, speaking on stage after H.E. Al Khusaibi, and giving a Eurovent perspective, highlighted the increasing importance of ventilation and IAQ in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that energy efficiency and sustainable products have never been more important. “Energy use is more relevant than ever,” he said. “HVACR plays an essential role in tackling tomorrow’s challenges. We as an industry also require support for the widespread application of technology for supporting IAQ and energy efficiency.”

Dr Iyad Al-Attar, independent air filtration expert, spoke at length on IAQ. Presenting a granular scientific view of the health- related challenges confronting humanity, Dr Al-Attar said IAQ has been overlooked, ignored and misunderstood. Zeroing in on his area of speciality, he said filtration is the common denominator for any indoor space humanity find itself in, be it an airport, kindergarten or shopping mall. Dr Al-Attar spoke of how, for many years, air filtration has been demanding a seat on the HVAC table and yet has been denied the attention. In FM meetings, for instance, the priorities for discussion include energy, thermal comfort and cutting costs, he said wistfully.

He said the underlying reason for many respiratory-tract diseases is humanity’s tendency to excessively pollute the atmosphere. Pointing to how air pollution can mess with the DNA in humans, he said: “The more we pollute, the more we have to filter. With six stages of air filtration, who will listen, so let’s reduce pollution.”
That said, he highlighted how air filtration is an indispensable aspect in efforts taken to improve human health. That’s why the old school of FM of keeping things afloat deserve to be questioned, he said. Pointing to the malaise gripping building industry stakeholders, he said: “We have obstructed air quality enhancements, we have thwarted air filter upgrades, and we have embraced the theology of washable filters.”

He said it is high time building industry stakeholders agree to a regimen that includes quantifying pollutants, specifying filter requirements, employing appropriate filtration and seeking professional advice from filtration experts. “Let’s reimagine air quality,” he said. “We need to reject all maintenance tricks and short cuts.” All regional governments, he said, should facilitate proper maintenance, based on quantifying, reporting, regulating and rewarding.

Panel Discussion 

The Eurovent Middle East 5 Years Anniversary Congress hosted panel discussions on multiple topics. One of them focused on refrigerants and IAQ. Excerpts…

Moderator: Markus Lattner, Managing Director, Eurovent Middle East
Dr Iyad Al-Attar, independent air filtration consultant
Dani Elamana, Technical Director, Camfil Middle East
Yaqoub Al-Matouq, National Ozone & Climate Change Committee, Environment Public Authority, Kuwait
Srinivasan Rangan, Director of Marketing and Product Management, Rheem MEA
Francesco Scuderi, Secretary General, Eurovent

Francesco Scuderi: What we have done in EU is better than the Montreal Protocol. There is no reason why EU model cannot be applied in the GCC region. It is sustainable, and GCC should follow the same path as F-Gas.

Markus Lattner: Yaqoub, your thoughts?

Yaqoub Al-Matouq: I was listening very carefully to Scuderi (a presentation made prior to the panel discussion). That the GCC should follow the EU model. In 2016, Kuwait and Bahrain, we copied the EU model, and within the same frame EU does, this region cannot follow. You have to separate equipment and technology. You have everything, you can do it. Under the Montreal Protocol, 10 countries get exemption from cutting the gases. Of the 148 countries that could support us with AC technologies, we visit Japan and China, and we visit Europe. Could you supply 55 degrees C? No, only 48 degrees C. So, we have to go beyond. And in the refrigeration sector, everything has been changed to hydrocarbons. We have to be very careful in our approach, because the culture of people of the GCC is different. When it comes to AC, nobody will use this technology if it is not safe and comfortable. It has to be safe, economical and with good aftersales support. As for F-Gas, EU has reviewed it twice, and they updated. We are ready, whenever the technology is there.

Lattner: Rangan, could you give us a manufacturers’ perspective?

Rangan: We have to see how the refrigerant is performing in high-ambient conditions? We have to rate products in the GCC  region up to 52, up to 55 degrees C. We have to ask ourselves: What goals are we trying to achieve? Are we trying to aim for 150 GWP? That would give a clear pathway. And then, is there availability of key components and compressors? We have to ensure the full supply chain is there, because it is about continuity of sales. Then, we would look at the quality of refrigerants: flammability, toxicity, system pressure. We have R32 and R454B, which are perhaps potential drop-in refrigerants to replace 410a. Now, R454 has much lower GWP than 410, so there is a good refrigerant replacement available.

Then, we have to look at compliance codes that we have and at ASHRAE and AHRI. Then, we have to look at training the operators, subsequent maintenance and at the logistics of storing the refrigerants and, then, recycling them. So, the industry is not only about manufacturers but is also about component suppliers and users, and it is a journey that we all have to take together.

Lattner: Yaqoub, is that clear indication we need to invest more in capability building?

Al-Matouq: It is about the economy of the country. Engineering is there, but affordability? Do all of you think the GCC is the most important region for AC supply? Just imagine, by July 2019, the total Middle East consumed 11 million units. The local market in China consumed 181 million. So, we are not priority for any manufacturers. When you use a technological and political mechanism and change from R22 to R410a, we changed in 2007; and in 2009, we have to stop R410a. Huh? That is the reality.

As for climate change, what is the percentage of AC contribution to climate change? Two per cent. What about the focus on the rest? Could you drive a car in the GCC without AC. So, AC is a necessity for us. So, as end-users, the element of thinking is that we don’t want GWP and climate change, we want comfort. What we say is, let’s cooperate and keep an open mind. We have meetings, etc. Whatever initiative you have, we will do it. Iyad says air filtration, I am supporting air filtration, because if it is clean, it will save energy.

Scuderi: What Yaqoub is expressing is lack of components and skills. We had same problems, earlier, of not having components, and that is why we have Eurovent Middle East to support the region. We can make use of Europe and work together jointly.

Lattner: Eurovent Middle East is one of the supporting bodies to make Middle East one of the partners in the global table. Dr Iyad, you spoke of air filtration. You asked during your presentation, “When was the last time we told the public about IAQ?’ How can we increase awareness? Why does it need a pandemic that we are talking of it now?”

Dr Iyad Al-Attar: I agree with Yaqoub. Let’s go back to the basics. Every time IAQ initiatives have been put on the table, most of us leave the conversation than lead. As for the topic of pandemic, we rendered our cities smart but unfit to occupy. So, did we not do our air filtration homework? Mr FM, is this what you are asking us to have? Why can’t we have enough filtration budget allocated from the start? If you give me two choices, I would go with thermal comfort, but I will not accept silica dust and hydrogen sulphide, etc. So, let’s quantify, measure and report and take IAQ to the next level. Pre-COVID, people said, ‘I don’t have budget’, but sorry, pandemic had health and economic disruption.

Lattner: Dani, is the HVAC industry invisible to the general public? How can we make it more visible?

Dani Elamana: I have been in the industry for 10 years, and people listen to you, and then, it is the same old story after the meeting. The general awareness of maintaining filters is, unfortunately, not there. There are lot of unconventional practices in the GCC region, of washing the filters and drying them. We can have good specs, but then to maintain air filters and implement them is what I see as a challenge.

Al-Matouq: Do you think any of the end users would reject if we put the best of filters forward? Ask the manufacturers what filters they put. If you put good quality filters and increase the price, I may not take it. The industry can change that thinking. If a mobile phone, if they put two cameras now, I will buy it. Does my industry have a filter? Where is it?

Rangan: We have to take the best from various industries. If mandated in Europe or the United States, then everybody falls in line, so that is key influence. Secondly, from suppliers themselves, they have to differentiate, but offer better energy efficiency product. There is very important part of commercial liability: If we connect the dots, we have CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs, the economies of producing those products. If whole world is going towards R454, be it China or the United States, etc., GCC is much small scale, and the transition will happen sooner, as we come closer to 2028. It will happen. So, if you buy now, you have lifetime of 10-15 years. But if we move closer to the Kigali date, the transition will happen. But, can we expedite faster than the set dates? That is the key question.

Lattner: It is about qualifying people. How can we mandate certain qualifications before we let people handle things, be they refrigerants or air filters?

Dr Al-Attar: We have been doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. These people should be very well paid. Secondly, it is about creating value. When you buy a car, you ask everything but never about the tyres. It is the same about the HVAC system. You don’t ask about air filters. If someone says, I have aerosol reports and my areas suffers from PM1, etc., so I want to facilitate change, retrofit, then yes. In universities, they should provide R&D, and Camfil are doing a lot of good research, but what is the point if the specification of filter and price needs to be resolved? We need to close the gap. This MoU you signed today has to be about reimagining the HVAC system. I don’t want to go back to lockdown, and I want to do everything to make a difference.

Lattner: Is the industry investing in R&D?

Elamana: Air pollution kills seven million people every year. In COVID, in two years, six million people died, and yet we are reluctant to address air pollution. I have been getting enquiries to instal HEPA in FCUs during COVID. My point of view is that I would like everyone to understand that we need government bodies to bring regulation, etc. And only then will we achieve our goal. Whatever we are doing right now will have implication in the next generation.

Observations, insights and recommendations to emerge from the Congress…


In Europe, it is not possible to sell any system without a heat recovery system. We have lot of possibilities to make difference. Lifecycle cost is main focus, and we started in 2016, improved in 2018, we now sell only with heat recovery.
– Thomas Richter, Chairman, Eurovent Product Group for Energy Recovery

EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive) is a good example. Europe got earlier in energy efficiency implementation than the Middle East. In Europe, we had energy crisis in the 1980s, hence the energy focus. We can transfer some of that knowledge, and EPBD is one of the ways.
– Frank Taaning Grundholm, Vice President, Global HVACR Sales, ABB

The GCC region might consider aiming at the current EU F-Gas approach. F-Gas has already paid back in terms of HFC reduction. It is sustainable, it can be done.
– Francesco Scuderi, Secretary General, Eurovent

Ensure fair competition. It is about having a level playing field that everybody offers similar specs to customers.
– Basem Salameh, Senior Technical Regulation Specialist, GCC Standardization Organization (on market surveillance)

Self-declaration offers the worst confidence level, and the minimum of protection.
– Sylvain Courtey, President, Eurovent Certita Certification

Regulators are trying to improve energy efficiency, and they establish MEPS, which is very good, but if you do not have surveillance programme, then regulation is only ink on paper. We can give examples in the US, when they started in the 1970s. The government did surveillance, and they discovered it is not their cup of tea, and so they gave to a third party. Sixty-five per cent of products they tested were not in compliance. So, the solution is definitely working with a third party. Government cannot be expert in everything – VRFs, chillers, etc.
– Nabil Shahin, Technical Director, AHRI

We offer robust testing. This comes from support of lot of documentation we have and audits we do. The International Confederation of Inspections were comparing self-declaration and third-party certification. Forty per cent were faulty, and 75% dangerously faulty with self-declaration.
– Vijay Jesudas, UL

Harmonising the standards is one step towards having good market surveillance.

– Basem Salameh, Senior Technical Regulation Specialist, GCC Standardization Organization

Ensuring processes are put in place is important for market surveillance. We should leverage technology, real-time-basis market surveillance should be done. It is not just the product that fails but the whole infrastructure behind the products that is hassled. So, there is bigger responsibility for all stakeholders.
– Srinivasan Rangan, Director of Marketing and Product Management, Rheem MEA

We need to believe in independent labs. At times, we don’t have capacity for larger units, and we have to rely on others. So yes, we will try to introduce more labs in the future to be close to the market, especially in the Middle East. Independent laboratories have value in the process to ensure trust level, and that manufacturers also believe in that. It is a neutral body to perform the tests.
– Sylvain Courtey, President, Eurovent Certita Certification

We are leading by example as a government entity. We have building-retrofit pilot projects, and we did several ECMs, and we are saving 30-35% electricity. We want to review, enhance MEPS enforcement.
– Carlos Amaya, Abu Dhabi Department of Energy

Seventy per cent of all buildings in operation today were built before the current energy codes, and only a few have been upgraded. Forty-five per cent of all GHGs in our cities comes from buildings. On average, 50% of a building’s operational carbon footprint is from heating and cooling systems. But if we tear down the building and build new, it typically takes 30 years to pay back the carbon debt from construction to a net-zero building.
– Frank Taaning Grundholm, Vice President, Global HVACR Sales, ABB

If someone else pays the bills, FMs do not need to invest in energy savings. Property owners are motivated by tenant retention and lease renewal, not by energy savings. Most sustainable solutions often have a higher upfront investment, so incentives are needed. We really need to look at TCO.
– Frank Taaning Grundholm, Vice President, Global HVACR Sales, ABB

We need to see how we can legislatively manage the challenge and how we incentivise contractors to do the right thing.
– Frank Taaning Grundholm, Vice President, Global HVACR Sales, ABB

Energy and IAQ labelling of all buildings: If there is no visibility of energy or IAQ performance, then we need that and then tenants will start asking we want good IAQ.
– Frank Taaning Grundholm, Vice President, Global HVACR Sales, ABB

The level of inefficiency is high, so savings are high. Usually, the payback is around two years or less. For us, the point is to aggregate as many items as we can in one single retrofit project. Ours is a continuous journey to take one kilowatt hour out of the equation in every building. So, we need to remember that it is not one atomic action but continuous journey.
– Henrique Pereira, Chief Executive Office, Taka Solutions

I wish for energy efficiency not to be an option but something that is mandatory that everybody needs to abide by. We should not allow any Existing Building not to undergo feasibility for retrofit. And if the need is there, it should be mandated to undertake in a specified period of time. It is a positive for building owners, because it will improve their building performance, it is a positive for industry and a positive for country.
– Henrique Pereira, Chief Executive Office, Taka Solutions.

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