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Carlisle HVAC

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: February 20, 2011
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Carlisle HVAC

Claiming that it has come up with the answer to HVAC’s cleaning and sealing inaccessible ductwork problem, Carlisle HVAC has announced the introduction of its Inspection, Sealing and Advanced Cleaning Robotic System, or ISAAC for short. ISAAC HVAC Robotic System can help improve indoor air quality and decrease heating and cooling costs without significant interruption to building occupants, says Carlisle. It further claims that the robotic solution enables efficient sustainable retrofit of existing HVAC systems.

“We’re proud to have added ISAAC to the arsenal of powerful HVAC repair and remediation solutions at Carlisle HVAC,” said Billy Prewitt, Manager of Marketing, Carlisle HVAC. “ISAAC, in conjunction with our new Hardcast RE-500 Robotic Delivered Insulation Encapsulant and RS-100 Interior Water- Based Duct Sealant, offers three major benefits in one package: duct system inspection, air quality improvement, and greater energy efficiency,” he added.

Carlisle HVAC lists the following product features and advantages:

  • The ISAAC HVAC Robotic System is capable of hard-to-reach remediation that would otherwise result in much more costly renovations.
  • It is no longer necessary for employees to crawl around ductwork and cut access holes every eight feet – tasks that often lead to injuries and worker compensation claims.
  • It is equipped with an integrated digital video recorder, which, combined with the included personal computer software, creates a powerful inspection and documentation tool.
  • It helps to mitigate energy loss by properly sealing ductwork, resulting in increased airflow and reduced operational costs.
  • It can improve a building’s indoor air quality, purging the system of long-unnoticed particulate.
  • The sealants and encapsulants products are anti-microbial, meaning they do not provide a food source for bacteria.

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