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International green honour for UAE utilities company

UTICO Middle East first in MENA region to get ISO 50001 energy certification

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: November 30, 2011
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UTICO Middle East first in MENA region to get ISO 50001 energy certification

Quality Austria, one of Europe’s largest certification bodies, has announced that UTICO Middle East, the UAE’s first private full service utilities provider, has become the first company in the Middle East and North Africa region to achieve the ISO 50001 energy management certification.

The award is in recognition of UTICO’s environment protection policies and energy management systems. A high-level delegation from Quality Austria visited the UAE in October to confer the honour on UTICO, a privately held Ghantoot Group company based in Ras Al Khaimah.

At a ceremony held in Dubai, Quality Austria also awarded UTICO other distinctions, such as ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO18001 – reportedly making it the first water company in the world to simultaneously hold such prestigious certifications.

The company also provides power and waste management services across the region.

“Our latest recognition is further acknowledgement of our customer-oriented policies with a strong emphasis on environment protection,” said Richard Menezes, Managing Director of UTICO Middle East. “Achieving this standard is a milestone for the UAE, since it involves meeting the stringent conditions in environmental and energy practices in our operations.”

UTICO Chairman, Rashid Mehran AlBalooshi, said, “By being the first in the MENA region to achieve this unique distinction, UTICO has further elevated the UAE’s profile as a country committed to safeguarding the environment and demonstrates our determination to introducing policies in all aspects of our operations.”

The ISO50001 is a new standard launched in 2011 that has identified energy management as one of the top five areas in business operation. The standard provides organisations and companies with a recognised framework for integrating energy efficiency into their management practices.

Although originally intended for industry, the standard applies to any type of organisation wishing to effectively manage its energy uses and efficiency. UTICO says it was selected for the distinction after a stringent six-month audit and review of its operations and services by Quality Austria.

The new recognition also brings into focus the increasing maturity of companies based in Ras Al Khaimah to be able to deliver services and facilities that are on par with international standards.

Established in 1992, UTICO claims it has played a key role in developing the region’s utilities with specialisation in water, waste, steam, power and related services for clientele requiring reliable and low-cost utilities.

The company says that it also offers full consultancy, right from concept to design and implementation, conducting feasibility studies, aiding in policy formulation for regulatory authorities and large industrial parks, conservation and efficiency building, investment and development.

Its clientele includes government bodies, private entities such as oil and gas companies and several leading business houses across the Middle East.

Quality Austria is the leading Austrian organisation for trade and industry and society in terms of issues relating to integrated management systems, which are based on quality, environmental, safety and OH&S (occupational health and safety) management, as well as to the topic of business quality.

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