Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Honeywell conducts seminar and workshop

Discusses HCFC phase-out in West Asia region and next-gen low GWP blowing agents

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: December 20, 2012
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Dubai, UAE: Honeywell organised a workshop and seminar on November 7 at the Gulf Auditorium, Hotel Fairmont, Dubai, under the rubrics of Environmental Compliance and Energy Efficiency with Foam Insulation. The workshop brought together global industry experts and regional colleagues to discuss key challenges and advancements in the polyurethane industry and provided a platform to know more about energy efficient, cost effective and safe transition to alternatives in today’s changing scenario, including the latest information on HCFC replacements. Announcing this in a communiqué, the company said that the event was organised parallel to the The Big 5 Show.

Honeywell said that it believed the building and construction industry in the Middle East is approaching an important milestone, with the key product family used for insulation consisting of HCFC foam, expected to face significant cuts in the HCFC imports. This, it said, had led to many players in the market searching for an alternative. The company claimed that the event held against this backdrop attracted about 60 participants for the workshop, representing a large share of the building and construction market dealing with PU and XPS foams, thus reflecting the relevance of the issues under discussion. Apart from a few of its distributors, the attendees included representatives from all system houses, panel, pipe insulation and commercial appliance manufacturers and regulators, it added.

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