Monday, 03 March 2025

Eurovent Product Group, ‘Air Filters’ gets new Chairman

Dr Marc Schmidt of AAF International assumes office

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: October 8, 2020
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BRUSSELS, Belgium, 06 October 2020: The Eurovent Product Group ‘Air Filters’ (PG-FIL), on September 29, elected Dr Marc Schmidt, Vice President, Technologies Europe, AAF International, as its new Chairman, Eurovent said through a Press release. He is joined by Dr Thomas Caesar, Director, Global Filter Engineering, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, who was re-elected for a second term as PG-FIL Vice-Chairman, Eurovent added.

PG-FIL met in a full-day online session on September 29 with a focus on regulatory updates under Ecodesign and REACH, and the revision of several Eurovent Air Filter recommendations. The group elected Dr Schmidt as its new Chairman for the next two-year term. He will succeed Jan Andersson of Camfil, who served as PG-FIL Chairman for many years. Dr Caesar was unanimously re-elected as the group’s Vice-Chairman, continuing his role for the next two years, Eurovent said.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Schmidt said: “Correct air filtration is more crucial than ever for the health and well-being of building occupants. Under the banner of Eurovent, it is our duty to convey this message to the market, to the policymakers, and to the public, and to raise awareness of the importance of clean and healthy indoor air. I am humbled that the Product Group, ‘Air Filters’, which represents manufacturers from all over Europe, has vested its trust in me to lead the charge on this.”



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