Part of the ‘HVACR Leadership Workshop, the virtual event will elaborate on the fundamentals and value of third-party certification to verify the integrity of product performance data, ensure product safety and maintain compliance with relevant regulatory requirement
DUBAI, UAE, 4 June 2020: Eurovent Middle East will conduct a virtual workshop on product certification, on June 9, the association said through a Press release.
Titled ‘The Value of Product Certification: Product Performance, Safety and Compliance’, the workshop will elaborate on the fundamentals and value of third-party certification to verify the integrity of product performance data, ensure product safety and maintain compliance with relevant regulatory requirement, Eurovent Middle East said.
Saying that quality control, product performance and safety are topics in sharp focus in a world driven by price competitiveness, Eurovent added that although manufacturers run stringent quality control and performance tests in-house, third-party testing and certification serves as a means to verify and ensure that the data published by manufacturers is unbiased and attested. The webinar, Eurovent Middle East said, aims to deliver an understanding of the principles behind certification, as a means to promote trust and reliability in the context of product performance and safety.
Third-party testing and certification, Eurovent Middle East said, are essential not only for manufacturers but also for investors, planners, consultants and end users, who benefit from reliable and verified product characteristics, particularly when they are critical for safety or energy consumption. Fraudulent claims, counterfeit products or misleading product information can lead to expensive results, from safety hazards to underperforming systems, Eurovent Middle East added.
According to the release, the workshop agenda includes:
Fundamentals of Product Compliance: Differences between testing, certification and inspections in relation to standards and global market access
Safety, Performance, Energy Efficiency and Environmental considerations
Safety certifications (UL Certification Mark, IEC CB Scheme, CE Marking) and regulations in the MENA region
Energy efficiency and performance-based certifications: Eurovent Certified Performance and the UL Energy Efficiency Leaf Mark
Benefits of product certification for authorities, investors, planners and consumers
The workshop will run from 11am to 1pm (GST), Eurovent Middle East said, adding that registration is free-of charge on the Association’s website:
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