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European parliament adopts EU methane regulation

EIA says European parliament votes to move forward with methane regulation to tackle energy sector emissions

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: April 10, 2024
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BRUSSELS, Belgium 10 April 2024: The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) said that Members of the European Parliament adopted the EU methane regulation, the first ever EU legislation to target this super-pollutant in the energy sector. Making the announcement through a Press release, EIA said that methane ranks as the second most important greenhouse gas, 82 times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2) over 20 years, and responsible for about a third of the warming experienced today. Furthermore, EIA said that, according to the International Energy Agency, curbing methane emissions is the most effective means of limiting global warming in the near term. 

In November 2023, EIA said, EU policymakers reached a political agreement on the EU Methane Regulation, which, to enter into force, must be formally adopted by the European Parliament and Council of the European Union. EIA also said that the European Parliament’s vote was approved with 530 votes in favour and 63 votes against, putting the EU one step closer to making it law.

Kim O’Dowd, Climate Campaigner, EIA, said: “Methane has long been overlooked. While the ultimate goal remains the phase-out of fossil fuels, swift action to address methane emissions from this sector is crucial for the EU to achieve its target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030.”

EIA said the new regulation establishes a framework for monitoring and mitigating methane emissions within the EU. EIA added that the new regulation focuses on accurately gathering data, which has been grossly underreported to date, and implementing measures to reduce leaks and regulate routine venting and flaring practices. However, EIA said, the EU falls short in addressing the methane emissions from imported oil, gas and coal. 

O’Dowd said: “Some 75-90% of methane emissions associated with fossil fuels consumed in the EU occur before they reach EU borders. What we needed were mitigation measures across the entire supply chain. Still, policymakers opted for an undefined and untested methane intensity standard to be enforced by 2030, which is too late and, if past experience is anything to go by, likely too ineffective in addressing emissions from fossil fuel imports.”

EIA said, along with other NGOs, it had called for extending the regulatory framework to imports. 

While the adoption marks a significant milestone, the work on the regulation is far from over, and the European Commission must now release a series of implementing acts to build it out, EIA further said. 

O’Dowd said: “The EU is liable for the emissions emitted outside its borders when they are associated with its consumption. If the Commission is serious about the EU’s responsibility in the fight against climate change, it will have to improve the regulation via its implementing acts. We at EIA will make sure that the message reaches the next Commission.”

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