Saturday, 21 September 2024

ESMA revises ECAS deadlines

Products need to display the ECAS logo by September 1, 2018, official body says

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: March 14, 2018
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Dubai, UAE, 15 March 2018: ESMA (Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology) has released revised dates for the implementation of its ECAS (Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme) labelling requirements, Eurovent Middle East announced in a Press communiqué.

According to ESMA, all new and incoming products need to have the ECAS logo attached and visible on the packaging by September 1, 2018. By January 1, 2019, this rule will also apply for all products in stock, the communiqué further said.

Eurovent Middle East said that ESMA had cancelled a workshop on March 11, 2018, on the ECAS requirements. Eurovent Middle East further said the association will request additional clarification and inform members when new dates are announced.


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