Thursday, 19 September 2024

ENGIE Refrigeration announces a successful 2023 

Company says it delivered 43% more chillers and heat pumps to customers in 2023 than the previous year

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: March 6, 2024
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LINDAU, Germany, 6 March 2024: ENGIE Refrigeration GmbHcooling announced that it delivered 43% more chillers and heat pumps to customers in 2023 than the previous year – despite the challenging situation in the German and international markets. Making the announcement through a Press release, ENGIE said, the portfolio expansions in recent years and the strategic focus on “excellence in cooling and heating” mean that the company remains optimistic about the coming months. 

ENGIE said that it has recorded double-digit sales growth compared to 2022 and thus also significantly increased its earnings (EBIT). Jochen Hornung, CEO, ENGIE Refrigeration, said: “We at ENGIE Refrigeration are proud that we achieved outstanding order successes as a team in 2023 and were able to support numerous users from various industries on their path to climate neutrality with our products and solutions in a very challenging market environment.”

ENGIE said this success of the company shows that it has set the right course for the future in recent years, and added that the company’s high drive for innovation and the technical expertise of its specialists are reflected in its cooling and heating portfolio. In the cooling sector, ENGIE said QUANTUM Air, with a cooling capacity of up to two megawatts, outperformed all air-cooled chillers with magnetic bearing compressor technology available on the market and in the heating industry, the thermeco2 high-temperature heat pump with the natural refrigerant CO2 and the SPECTRUM Water heat pump are providing lasting impetus in various industries.

Hornung further said: “At ENGIE Refrigeration, we expect greater volatility in the markets due to the geopolitical situation, to which we will respond with strategic adjustments. The shortage of skilled labour also remains a challenge for us. However, we are convinced that we are well positioned for the future and are continuously pursuing our goal of offering users the cooling and heating solutions of tomorrow today.”

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