CEO to highlight the significant role of District Cooling in promoting competitiveness and economic sustainability
Ahmad Bin Shafar
Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation (Empower) will be showcasing their District Cooling technologies before the Ministry of Energy in India from November 1 to 3, 2017, the company said through a Press communiqué.
According to the communiqué, the event is part of Empower’s partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on District Energy in cities initiative.
The presentation, which will be led Ahmad Bin Shafar, CEO of Empower and Special Advisor to UNEP on District Cooling, will highlight the strides made by the District Cooling sector in Dubai and how it is playing a key role in improving energy efficiency. He will also share the significant role of the sector in promoting competitiveness and economic sustainability.
Among the topics that will be discussed during the event, Bin Shafar will highlight Dubai’s Demand Side Management (DSM) strategy through the District Cooling programme, tri-generation and smart metres, which contribute to efficient energy consumption
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