Sunday, 09 March 2025

DIFSC 2012 – What the experts said

comments from the experts

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: March 12, 2012
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DIFSC continues to be an annual destination for food safety professionals across the region. One of the strengths of DIFSC is the environment that is created — those who work directly with front-line staff are often the most engaged members of the audience. This is a unique situation for such a large meeting. The meeting has been an excellent locale to engage in an open discussion of food safety risks and mitigation strategies.

Ben Chapman, Assistant Professor and Extension Food Safety Specialist | North Carolina State University

Whether food is locally grown or comes from all parts of the world, food safety is a matter of concern to all people, in all countries and regions. Most of these illnesses are entirely preventable with care throughout the food chain. From the farmer to the chef; from the food processor to the guy at the grill, everyone has a role to play in making safe food.

Caroline Smith DeWaal, Food Safety Director, Center for Science in the Public Interest | Washington DC

What is good about Dubai and this conference in particular is that it caters for people from around the globe. I am quite happy to see many of the participants from the developing and emerging countries, which primarily produce a lot of food. To me, this is where food safety begins: primary production. With more and more food-borne cases linked to the produce, I see a greater demand to tighten the control at the farm level. When delegates from India, Sudan, Egypt, China, etc. attend this conference, I see a real start towards enhancing food safety in these countries.

Bashir Hassan Yousif, Food Safety Expert

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