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Cooling services restored in common areas in Dubai MotorCity

Developer, Union Properties promises “no service disruption in the future”

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: June 13, 2019
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Dubai, UAE, 13 June 2019: Cooling services have been restored in common areas in Dubai MotorCity, a spokesperson for developer, Union Properties said through a Press communiqué. “We are pleased to announce that cooling services have been restored in the affected areas across MotorCity by the service provider,” the spokesperson said. “Following an extended conversation with the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA), Union Properties has this morning resolved the matter to everyone’s satisfaction and ensured that there will be no service disruption in the future. EDACOM  (the owners’ association) has been working closely with RERA on the issue over the past few days and will continue to manage the community through delivering the highest standards of services.”

The communiqué follows a June 11 Gulf News report, which spoke of how residents in Motor City, a 38-million-square-foot development spread over six sectors and with a total of 11,630 units,  were left sweating after a dispute between their building’s developer, service provider and the owners’ association, resulted in the air conditioning being switched off in common areas over the recent Eid weekend.

According to the newspaper report, Emicool said the disruption to cooling services in common areas was owing to “long overdue payments” from Union Properties. The reports said that Union Properties denied they owed money to Emicool in a legal filing on the Dubai Financial Markets (DFM) website on June 11 and, instead, referred the case to their subsidiary, EDACOM to collect outstanding fees.

Gulf News quoted the notice by Union Properties: “Union Properties as a developer has nothing to do with this subject. We are aware that the company responsible for cooling services to Motor City has regrettably cut off cooling in public facilities and that goes against Real Estate Regulatory Authority [RERA] regulation and laws.”

According to the Gulf News report, owners and occupants claimed the cutting off of air conditioning wasn’t just confined to common areas but also apartments, making their lives miserable in the June heat.

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