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Camfil, CTT Systems partner to incorporate ozone and VOC filtration in humidifiers

Initiative aimed at safeguarding flight deck, crew rest and cabin, Camfil says

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: October 11, 2020
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STOCKHOLM, Sweden, 11 October 2020: Camfil on October 9 announced signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CTT SYSTEMS, which provides aircraft humidity control system solutions, to enter a partnership that opts to adapt Camfil’s air filtration technology for aircraft and the aviation industry, primarily to be incorporated in CTT’s humidifier products.

The cooperation, Camfil said through a Press release, aims to explore innovative air filter applications that improve air quality in the aircraft cabin, where Camfil expertise and leading-edge, air filtration solutions can be applied in cooperation with CTT’s knowledge and footprint in the aviation industry. Primarily, Camfil said, CTT opts to incorporate air filtration in its humidifier products, to further improve air quality for pilots, crew and passengers. Hereby, CTT can complement existing clean air solutions without adding additional maintenance or overhaul for airlines, Camfil said. The initial objective is to reduce ozone and/or volatile organic compounds (VOCs). By integrating filter technology in the pad module that is aligned with the service interval of the pad material, airlines can rip-and-replace the entire pad module, Camfil said. CTT has a large installed population of humidifiers in the flight deck and crew rests, primarily on Boeing 787 and Airbus A350 aircraft. The pad-filters will be completely interchangeable with the current product line of humidifiers/pads, Camfil said.

“We look forward to work with CTT to develop filters that can add additional value to CTT’s customers and further improve air quality in aircraft,” said Mark Simmons, CEO, Camfil. “We will work very closely with CTT to develop tailor-made filters certified for use in aircraft with very specific, high performance filtration and low pressure drop.”

Added Torbjörn Johansson, CEO, CTT Systems: “The premium-air-pad will be developed for our humidifiers in flight deck, crew rest and passenger cabin on Boeing 777X and Airbus A350, as well as for crew rests on the 787, improving air quality without adding extra service or maintenance. Airlines can initially select ozone and VOC reduction.”

Without an efficient humidification system, the cabin air is far more dehydrating than any place on Earth – below 5% RH, Camfil said. Humidifier Onboard flight deck, crew rest or Business class generates a striking humidity increase, restored to comfort and wellbeing level, to approximately 20% RH, Camfil said. Passengers and crew on long-haul flights will benefit from reduced dry air-related problems – such as fatigue, jet-lag, red eyes, dry skin and the spread of virus diseases – and improved wellbeing and sleep, Camfil said. The CTT humidifier, it added, is based on evaporative cooling technology and uses a method that effectively precludes the transfer of bacteria.

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