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Broad field for Emerson Cup 2011

Pan-Asian HVACR industry competition expands to include Middle East; invites nominations

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: May 30, 2011
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Pan-Asian HVACR industry competition expands to include Middle East; invites nominations

The Emerson Cup, an annual event organised by Emerson Climate Technologies, will take place in October 2011 in New Delhi, India. According to Emerson, the event recognises outstanding designs and innovation in the HVACR industry.

The Emerson Cup, held in China for the last eight years, is now in its fourth consecutive year in Asia and continues to expand. For 2011, the event has been extended to cover the Middle East, in addition to India and South East Asia.

The Emerson Cup 2011 has a distinguished panel of judges from across Asia and the Middle East. It consists of industry experts in the fields of Green Building, energy efficiency, engineering, HVACR design and architecture. The competition will accept nominations for innovative projects across the field in HVACR technologies. A separate category has been introduced for projects with Emerson technologies. Participation is open to engineers, architects, consultants, developers, end-users and students.

Award Categories for The Emerson Cup 2011 are:

  1. New Buildings – With Emerson Technology
  2. New Buildings – With Any Technology
  3. Retrofit – With Emerson Technology
  4. Retrofit – With Any Technology
  5. Commercial Refrigeration
  6. Students (Architects and Engineering)

The first five categories have a Winner (Excellence Award) and Runner-Up (Honorary Award). Excellence Awards carry a prize money of $3,000 whereas the Honorary Awards carry a prize money of $1,000. Students have the opportunity to win an Excellence Award, which comes with a prize of $1,000. There will be an award each for Architecture students and Engineering students.

Emerson will soon announce the opening of nominations. For more details, visit

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