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Bioclimatic showcases its bipolar ionisation technology at Hanover Fair

Says its air-purification system attracts substantial international interest

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: July 17, 2017
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Bioclimatic’s air-purification system principle yielded compelling results again at the Hanover Fair, in early July, with energy- and cost-efficient air purification and sterilisation solutions stoking considerable international interest, the company said through a Press communiqué. According to the company, the system runs on the bipolar-ionisation principle, which eliminates the use of chemicals or fragrances, thus accommodating contemporary user requirements on sustainability and cost-effectiveness. The company said demand proved especially high for air conditioning and ventilation applications, such as its aerotron system for whole buildings.

“We saw an overwhelming response to our products, said Carsten Feuerhake, Sales and Marketing Manager, Bioclimatic. “There’s already a lot of interest in our technology, and this has expanded in the international arena.”

Bipolar ionisation takes advantage of the natural process of ionisation, working in a similar fashion to electrical discharges in a storm in cleaning air. According to Bioclimatic, the system is highly effective with low energy requirements. Positive and negative ionisation, the company said, also significantly reduces harmful airborne bacteria, mould spores and pollen. Air duct pressure is maintained, the company added, greatly increasing efficiency. Annual visual inspections and duct cleaning can be carried out by users, making servicing and maintenance easy and cost-effective, Bioclimatic further added.

According to the company, the aerotron range, in particular, attracted much interest at the Fair. Built to specification, the integrated systems are generously dimensioned with a range of effectiveness well-suited to large indoor spaces, the company said. An aerotron air sterilisation and purification system, the company added, integrates into existing or new ventilation ducts and air conditioning systems, but it can also be flange-mounted from outside. Restaurants, wellness centres, conferencing facilities, commercial kitchens, shopping malls and warehouses are prime sites for installing an aerotron system. “It’s not just air conditioning, Feuerhake said. “Natural ways of fighting germs have been gaining in focus.”

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