Sunday, 09 March 2025

Beyond an IoTa of doubt…

Smart cities involve harnessing the potential of automation

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: May 18, 2017
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We have heard all about how it is futile to talk of the potential of BMS, when instances abound of how the technology is often not installed, commissioned or operated as per set procedures. And only recently, an industry insider pointed out to how actuators in a District Cooling scheme were not even connected. Under such circumstances, he said, he did not see the point in endlessly talking about strategies to combat the Low Delta T Syndrome. In recent times, the talk is of smart cities, and how they can contribute to evolving a happier society. Smart cities involve harnessing the potential of automation. More precisely, they encompass the need for automation devices that are IoT-enabled, which, in an HVAC context, would help make buildings efficient and healthy, which in turn, would translate to happiness.

It is generally agreed that automation, in sync with IoT, can raise the bar on energy efficiency and thermal comfort, among other attributes. Web Services Technology, which is a part of the IoT ecosystem, helps in getting a handle on optimum air flow changes and temperature control, which promote livability… and happiness.

It is believed that IoT, with its attendant sensors, can help consultants to design tighter specs, thanks to its ability to provide more real-time data that were not available, earlier. Traditionally, consultants have relied on historical data, or theoretical data. The availability of real-time data changes everything. With realtime data, there is acute awareness that the cost of electricity per unit depends on external environmental conditions. So the act of capturing real-time data, using sensors in IoT, can empower designers to design electrical systems in a more cost effective way.The technology is available, as have been BMS and actuators. To take the full benefit of IoT, though, the HVACR industry needs to invest in ramping up the understanding of the vast potential of the new frontier. The onus is now on every member of the stakeholder community.

The technology is available, as have been BMS and actuators. To take the full benefit of IoT, though, the HVACR industry needs to invest in ramping up the understanding of the vast potential of the new frontier. The onus is now on every member of the stakeholder community.

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