Recognises outstanding achievements at annual conference
Recognises outstanding achievements at annual conference
ASHRAE has announced recognising 119 people for their contributions to the Society as well as to the building industry at its 2013 Annual Conference being held in Denver from June 22 to 26.
ASHRAE gave details of the awards: The Andrew T Boggs Service Award, which recognises past recipients of the Distinguished Service Award for continuing unselfish, dedicated and distinguished service to the Society was bestowed posthumously upon Presidential Member Richard Charles, PE, Fellow ASHRAE, Life Member. The Exceptional Service Award, which recognises Distinguished Award recipients who have continued to serve the Society faithfully and with exemplary effort, was given to 14 people.
The Distinguished Service Award, given to 61 people, saluted members of any grade for giving freely of their time and talent to the Society.
The Distinguished 50-Year Member Award was given to 13 persons who had been members of the Society for 50 years and had performed outstanding service to it.
The Journal Paper Award, which honours the best paper or article published in ASHRAE Journal, was bagged by John Murphy for his article, “Total Energy Wheel Control in a Dedicated Outdoor Air (OA) System”.
Shanshan Cai, Lorenzo Cremaschi, Afshin Ghajar and Kasey Worthington received a Poster Presentation Award for “Measurements of Pipe Insulation Thermal Conductivity at Below Ambient Temperature Part 1: Experimental Methodology and Dry Tests.”
John Bryant; Dennis O’Neal; and Michael Davis were declared recipients of the Crosby Field Award. Their paper, “Modeling the Performance of ECM and SCR Parallel Fan-Powered Terminal Units in Single-Duct VAV Systems,” was judged to be the best paper presented before the Society in 2012. The Crosby Field Award is reportedly named after Presidential Member Crosby Field, whose ideas and hard work helped shape the industry. The duo also received two Technical Paper Awards which recognised the authors of the best papers presented at Society meetings.
Daniel Gibbs was the recipient of the Willis H Carrier Award, which is given to an ASHRAE member 32 years of age or younger for presenting an outstanding paper at a Society meeting, for his paper “Measurements of Flat Oval Diverging Flow Fittings Loss Coefficients.”
The following were selected to receive Technical Paper Awards, which recognise the authors of the best papers presented at Society meetings: Stephen Idem, and Ananth Nalla for “Laboratory Testing of Saddle-Tap Tees to Determine Loss Coefficient. Farhad Memarzadeh received an award for “Literature Review of the Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Viruses.”
George Waters Sr received the Lincoln Bouillon Award, which recognises a member who performs the most outstanding work in increasing the membership of the Society during the course of the year.
The Dan Mills Technical Award, which recognises a Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) chair who excels in meeting CTTC goals in technical, energy and government activities, went to Mike Fullerton. He was also selected to receive the Chapter Program Star Award, which recognises excellence in chapter programme endeavours.
The William J Collins Jr RP Award given to the chapter research promotion chair who excels in all activities supporting the research promotion campaign, including raising funds and promoting research at the chapter level, was received by Christopher “Mike” Donovan.
Alexander Weiss was the recipient of the Society’s Lou Flagg Historical Award, which recognises an individual for preparing the most outstanding historical presentation related to HVAC&R. The award is reportedly named in recognition of Presidential Member Lou Flagg, who promoted an interest in history at the chapter and Society levels.
The Standards Achievement Award, which recognises significant and exceptional service in the area of standards leadership and technical contribution, went to Martha VanGeem.
The Student Activities Achievement Award, which recognises a Chapter Student Activities chair for service related to the goals and growth of student activities at all levels was won by Ather Siddiqui.
Stefano Schiavon was the recipient of the Ralph G Nevins Physiology and Human Environment Award, which is given to a researcher under the age of 40 for significant accomplishments in the study of bioenvironmental engineering and its effect on human comfort and health.
Lawrence “Larry” J Schoen, was the recipient of the Environmental Health Award, which recognises excellence in volunteer service focused on environmental health issues.
Ricardo Da Silva Lima was the recipient of the Homer Addams Award, which honours a graduate student who has been engaged in an ASHRAE research project. The Award is reportedly intended to encourage graduate student research.
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