Arguing that a performance certification scheme, by providing comparable third-partycertified data, allows for a sound technology selection, Erick Melquiond, President, Eurovent Certita Certification, discusses the status of the certification regimen for VRF systems and sheds light on the testing standards that it follows. Here are the highlights …
Arguing that a performance certification scheme, by providing comparable third-partycertified data, allows for a sound technology selection, Erick Melquiond, President, Eurovent Certita Certification, discusses the status of the certification regimen for VRF systems and sheds light on the testing standards that it follows. Here are the highlights …
During the 1st Annual Middle East Variable Refrigerant Flow Conference, held in February in Dubai, you mentioned that one of the newer certification regimens in place was the one for VRF systems. How is the VRF industry receiving the certification process? Have you seen an increase in the number of participants in the certification scheme in the past several months?
The Eurovent Certified Performance for VRF has now started, and the first test campaign is in progress. At the moment, seven manufacturers have completed their pre-registration, two have finished registration, and some pieces of equipment are on their way to a lab location for the test to be carried out. First batch of certified data will be published by the end of October.
What were the key parameters that you considered in establishing a certification regimen for VRF systems?
Key parameters being considered must be according to the selected testing standard and must cover key market information needs, such as energy efficiency or performance, as well as noise efficiency.
Which equipment is included in the scope of the certification programme for VRF systems?
The following are included in the scope:
Outdoor units used in Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems with the following characteristics:
VRF systems with data declared and published as combinations, are, however, excluded in the scope.
Heat recovery units are included, but the heat recovery function is not certified. In addition, high ambient systems are included, but tested under standard conditions as specified in RS 6/C/008.
Which characteristics/performance indicators of VRF systems do you certify? Which testing standards are followed in the process?
The following are the characteristics that we certify:
These are the testing standards that we follow:
Performance testing using the calorimeter room method:
EN 14511 “Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling”
Performance testing using the air enthalpy method:
EN 14511 “Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling”
EN 12102 “Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages, heat pumps and dehumidifiers with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling – Measurement of airborne noise – Determination of the sound power level” with exception of the duct end correction method described in section 6.2.2 of the standard.
In your opinion, what value will certification add to products of participant companies?
A performance certification scheme, such as Eurovent Certified Performance, will provide the market with comparable data for a new kind of technology, making a sound product or technology selection possible. Moreover, a performance certification scheme will allow for the possibility to work with third-party-certified performance data, instead of self-declared data provided by manufacturers.
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