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AHRI Alert: ESMA announces meeting

UAE to discuss safety and energy-efficiency certification for AC equipment

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: February 14, 2013
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UAE to discuss safety and energy-efficiency certification for AC equipment

In a communiqué, the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) has announced a meeting for air conditioning traders and manufacturers to be held in Dubai on February 26, 2013. It has urged that the attendees must register by February 14.

According to the communiqué the meeting will be held from 9am to 12pm at the Movenpick Hotel, Oud Mehta 1 and 2 (opposite the American Hospital), Dubai, UAE.

The topics for discussion include:

  1. Programme updates on safety and energy efficiency for non-ducted room air conditioners
  2. Preparation of the regulation for ducted type air conditioners
  3. Amendments/updates for the EESL regulation for non-ducted room air conditioners
  4. Requirements and regulations for refrigerants
  5. Market monitoring and inspection

AHRI has notified that it will attend the meeting and report to members on the discussion, and will provide additional information that it learns from conversations with ESMA prior to the meeting.

It added that interested members may have already received the information about the meeting. But if not, and if anyone wishes to attend, they need to complete the form available at:

And register immediately. It has also provided the contact details at ESMA for the meeting below:

  • Khaled Ali Abdul Majeed: +9714 2084375 |
  • Hana Mohamed: +9714 2084339 |

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