Wednesday, 22 January 2025

A wishlist for 2017

One of the privileges of being a journalist is the access to a wide range of insights and recommendations on multiple issues the HVACR industry directly or indirectly influences or contributes to. Given the constraints of space, here’s a non-comprehensive wish-list, based on the received wisdom from enlightened voices in the industry… • That we […]

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: January 14, 2017
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One of the privileges of being a journalist is the access to a wide range of insights and recommendations on multiple issues the HVACR industry directly or indirectly influences or contributes to. Given the constraints of space, here’s a non-comprehensive wish-list, based on the received wisdom from enlightened voices in the industry…

• That we see an integrated project development approach, comprehensively involving all the stakeholders, including FM teams, from the pre-design stage of a project.

• That we see a level playing field in the drafting of contracts involving general and MEP consultants and general and MEP contractors, with each stakeholder respecting the specialised expertise essential for the successful completion of a project.

• That we pursue the most sustainable, reliable and economical cooling approach with a technology-agnostic mindset, with the specific requirements of a project alone informing the course of action.

• That we see thermal networks across the length and breadth of the region, especially considering that over 55% of the energy we consume in our buildings is thermal in nature.

• Where applicable, that we replicate the comfort cooling-related proven attributes of District Cooling in the industrial sector with a view to achieving greater energy efficiency and reliability in industrial processes.

• That we achieve a positive momentum in building-retrofit efforts in the region, as a strategy to optimise energy and water use across the large portfolio of existing buildings. That we get a buy-in from financial institutions through closer cooperation between engineering and finance disciplines to prove the creditworthiness of building assets.

• That we see a paradigm shift in intent, and in design and implementation practices leading to a balanced approach to energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality.

• That we arrive at greater clarity on refrigerant use and management across the region, with a view to ensuring occupant health and safety, protecting the planet and achieving affordable cooling.

• With data centres being at the heart of global commerce and also the new kid on the bloc – the Internet of things – that the HVAC industry is able to raise the efficiency of cooling, which would have an impact on the bottom-line, considering that cooling represents 45% of a data centre’s total electricity bill.

• That food safety and quality assurance (FSQA) receive a boost through the infusion of improved and innovative design and construction practices of cold storage warehouses, and a clear delineation of multiple stakeholder (consultant, contractor, building owner) responsibilities within the regulatory framework.

• That FSQA aspirations come to fruition through greater attention to reefer truck design and construction, and operation and maintenance best practices.

• That multiple links of the cold chain are strengthened with a view to enhancing food security (reducing food loss and food wastage) across the region.

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