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Nidec ASI gets 15-million-dollar contract in Saudi Arabia

The project will transport desalinated water between Arafat and Taif and between Rabigh, Jeddah and Makka in Saudi Arabia, CEO says

  • By Content Team |
  • Published: November 29, 2018
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Milan, Italy, 26 November 2018: Nidec ASI, part of the Nidec Industrial Solutions platform of Nidec Group, has supplied the motors and the technologies for creating a system of pipes to transport water in Saudi Arabia, between Arafat and Taif and between Rabigh, Jeddah and Makka, in the desert of the Arabian Peninsula, the company announced in a Press communiqué. The project will guarantee a greater amount of water for the local populations in this area, thus helping to improve their quality of life and the local economy, the communiqué said.

The project, carried out by Mapa Construction, with the cooperation of Nidec, at all the project stages, involves the transport of the water to a reverse osmosis desalination plant in the city of Jeddah, on the Red Sea, for the production of drinking water that will be channelled through a network of piping, the communiqué said. The motors and the inverters of Nidec ASI and Leroy Somer (one of the Group companies) will be placed in the 46-km-long stretch that joins the two cities, and will make it possible to take fresh water into the homes of over 1,200,000 people, as well as to the hospitals and all the public and private buildings in the area, the communiqué further said. The Nidec solutions, activated by inverters that make it possible to adjust the power, also save energy, cutting electricity used to a minimum and, thus, reducing environmental impact, the communiqué added.

According to Nidec ASI, the plant, once built, will be managed by Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC), a public agency operating in the water desalination and electrical power plant sector in Saudi Arabia.

Dominique Llonch, CEO, Nidec ASI and President, Nidec Industrial Solutions, said: “We are particularly proud of this project. Our motors and inverters will help to provide a precious resource, such as water, to over one million people in Arafat and Taif, Rabigh, Jeddah and Makka, who currently have trouble obtaining it. The system of pipes will also have an important knock-on effect on the economic and cultural development of the area.”





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